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Forums Forums Canadian Immigration Forum Mother Died Then Dad Died Invite Step Mother on Super Visa

  • Mother Died Then Dad Died Invite Step Mother on Super Visa

  • Harjap

    June 2, 2020 at 8:39 pm

    My mother died in 2009. My dad married my widow aunt (younger sister of my mother) whose husband died in an accident in 2015. Recently, my dad suddenly died of heart attack. I have just returned after attending last rituals etc. My mom (aunt) feels lonely and depressed. Can I invite her on a super visa?

  • Rajpal (Admin)

    June 2, 2020 at 9:07 pm

    Sorry to hear about the loss of your father and mother. We have sympathy with you but your aunt (mom) does not qualify under the super visa category. This is because she is not your mother – rather she is your step mother. If your father were to be alive, my answer would have been different. Now you can try to invite her on a temporary resident visa or by filing a humanitarian and compassionate grounds application.

    • Harjap

      June 2, 2020 at 9:09 pm

      When you say temporary resident visa, do you mean visitor visa? Will the humanitarian and compassionate grounds application be filed before she comes to Canada or can it be done prior to her coming to Canada?

      • Rajpal (Admin)

        June 2, 2020 at 9:12 pm

        Yes, by a temporary resident visa I am referring to a visitor visa. In regards to your second question: humanitarian and compassionate applications can be filed inside Canada or outside Canada. If H&C is filed inside Canada, the immigration officers have a mandate to assess and complete the application as soon as possible. On the other hand, for H&C applications filed outside Canada, there is no such mandate hence, an application can take years.

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1 of 4 posts June 2020