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Forums Forums Canadian Immigration Forum Work Permit Requirements Business Visitor Visa Holder Canada

  • Work Permit Requirements Business Visitor Visa Holder Canada

  • Rajvinder

    June 26, 2020 at 8:31 pm

    My friend owns a textile business in India and now he is planning on visiting Canada for business matters. My friend is going to try to get a business visitor visa so that he can come to Canada. Does he need a work permit to work in Canada even if he already has a business visitor visa?

  • Rajpal (Admin)

    June 27, 2020 at 6:37 pm

    You do not need a work permit to carry out business activities related to your job back home, such as meeting clients of your company or visiting job sites. However, if you plan to carry out secretarial, managerial, technical or production activities or stay longer than six months in Canada, you have to apply for a work permit. In both cases, if you are from a country that requires a visa to visit Canada, you must apply for a temporary resident visa.

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1 of 2 posts June 2020