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Forums Forums Canadian Immigration Forum Surname Entered in Given Name Column ExpressEntry Got Locked

  • Surname Entered in Given Name Column ExpressEntry Got Locked

  • Jasnoor

    September 3, 2020 at 4:34 pm

    I received an Invitation to apply for permanent residency for CEC. When I logged in to start my e-apr, I noticed that my surname was placed in the given name column. Now, I am trying to amend it but it is locked and can not be changed. Is there any solution to this problem?

  • Bavneet (Admin)

    September 4, 2020 at 10:55 am

    Yes. You can change that information. These field will be coloured gray, and you will not be able to update them. (A red circle with a diagonal line will also appear when you mouse over the field.) This is because the information was brought forward from the first tool (Come to Canada) you completed. To update them, you will have to update them in the previous step. To do this:

    From the “Express Entry Profile” page:

    Click on the “Modify Family Information” button at the top of the page

    Change the fields as needed.

    Click the “Update Information” button to save any changes

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