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Forums Forums Canadian Immigration Forum Cdn Citizen Residing Abroad Sponsoring Spouse Requirements

  • Cdn Citizen Residing Abroad Sponsoring Spouse Requirements

  • Onkar

    June 16, 2020 at 1:52 am

    I have a Canadian citizen cousin. Since 2015, he has been living in Australia for business purposes. Before leaving Canada, he was living in Alberta, Canada. While in Australia, he got married to an Australian national. Now he wants to sponsor her to Canada. I am wondering, can he sponsor her while living in Australia? What documents will be required for spousal sponsorship?

  • Rajpal (Admin)

    June 16, 2020 at 1:06 pm

    A Canadian citizen can sponsor his/her spouse while residing abroad. The most important thing the sponsor has to do is to convince the officer that he/she will be reuturning to Canada permanently as soon as his/her spouse receives permanent resident visa. To prove that sponsor needs to show living arrangements and working arrangements in Canada. The other things are general in nature that the sponsor and the applicant will prove the genuineness of their marriage and relationship.

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