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Forums Forums Canadian Immigration Forum Mistakenly Clicked 'Single' Instead 'Married' IMM 5710 Application

  • Mistakenly Clicked 'Single' Instead 'Married' IMM 5710 Application

  • Agam

    August 20, 2020 at 5:37 pm

    I submitted my work permit application and made a silly mistake in form IMM 5710. I mistakenly somehow clicked single in the martial status but I am married. A final decision has not been made on application by IRCC. I submitted it seven days ago only. What should I do? Should I withdraw this application?

  • Bavneet (Admin)

    August 20, 2020 at 6:32 pm

    These kind of significant errors can lead to refusal and even result in misrepresentation bans. You should correct the error prior to the examination of an application by an officer. To avoid the refusal, you should withdraw this application and fill again a new application with supporting documents. Also, you should submit a IRCC web form to inform this error and withdrawal of application.

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